Caring for your turtle is relatively easy once
the basics are established. Dispel the thoughts of getting a turtle and
putting it in a bowl of water with a rock. Those little "Turtle Ponds" you
can still find in pet stores, are completely inadequate and have even been
dubbed by experienced keepers as "Death Bowls". Turtles require more than a
small, simple container to ensure proper health and longevity. Heating,
lighting, temperature control, filtration - all play an important role
in the health and happiness of your turtle. Even a large aquarium, filled to the
top with water is not meeting their needs, as they need an area to get out of
the water and get completely dry.
Also toss out the ideas that turtles can
survive on hot dogs, cat food and shrimp treats. Their diets are a highly
evolved science, of which we are only beginning to unlock and understand.
Various species have specific feeding needs, so the exact dietary requirement of
your turtle will need to be researched (Care Sheets are a great assistance in
determining what is needed). There are numerous prepared foods on the market,
but not all are quality. You don't need to be a nutritionist to understand what
is required, but you do need to understand what to look for. Sounds
sophisticated, but it's all simple once you understand the reasons why and why
not to put things on the menu.
The lamp on the desk or the overhead light in
the room is not going to meet the requirements of your turtle. They need special
lighting which will allow them to perform bodily functions that regular lighting
does not do. Room temperature ok? Guess again. Turtles are ectothermic,
what used to be called "cold blooded". This means that they do not generate
their own body heat. They rely on the sun to get warm and the water to cool
down. You will need to ensure that their air temps, basking temps and water
temps are within the acceptable guidelines. This will not only ensure their
health, but will give them a more natural feeling about their habitat and allow
them to act naturally.
Turtles are not like dogs and cats -
they do NOT enjoy going for walks and being handled. It is key to remember this
as some keepers allow their turtles to walk around on their floors, they take
them outside for walks or they hold them and carry them around and some even
take them to the pet stores as they would their dog. This is not something your
turtle will enjoy, nor is it good for them. This causes unnecessary stress and
could will eventually lead to health problems. Leave them in their habitat and
watch them swim, eat, bask and move about in their home which you have provided.
They will be much happier and so will you.
Feeding your turtles
seems to be the most complex aspect of keeping them healthy and active. A simple
task yet requiring some planning and structure, based on the species that you
are keeping.
Turtles are usually opportunistic feeders. In other words, they grab it when
they can because they really aren't sure when they might get the
chance to eat again. Do not be fooled---turtles will learn to recognize you and
any food containers you have. They will quickly have you trained!
Overfeeding is one of the most common mistakes in captive care. Keep in mind
that they are not always hungry...but they are always looking for a meal because
it's how they survive in the wild. They don't know that you are going to feed
them routinely, so keep a regular schedule and try not to veer from it.
As far as a diet goes, you want
something high in calcium yet low in phosphorus. Stay away from fatty
foods and those with a high carbohydrate and protein content unless the turtle
is a strict carnivore. Don't over-feed or under-feed anything; even if it is
good for their diet. Not enough is dangerous and too much isn't much better. You
can also check out these articles on "What
to Feed"
and "How
Much, How Often". It is vital to your
turtle's health that you vary the diet. Don't rely on pelleted/prepared foods as
a whole, instead, use them to augment a more natural diet. Herbivores need to be
offered a wide range of veggies and plant matter; carnivores need to be offered
a range of live foods (or thawed, frozen foods); and omnivores need a balance of
the two. Citrus fruits should never be offered.
The recommended prepared
foods, in order of quality are:
Mazuri Mazuri, a company of Purina,
offers the highest quality turtle food on the market. They offer a
line for Aquatic Turtles and also for Tortoises. The Aquatic Diet
has a higher protein content, while the Tortoise Diet is geared more
for the herbivore. The Aquatic food is small and bite sized (smaller
than a pea), whereas the Tortoise Diet is much larger (marble-szied)
AquaMax 500
Also put out by Purina, AquaMax seems to have the same content as
the Mazuri Aquatic Diet. The same size as the Mazuri, it costs less
than half the price. |
Rep-Cal Arguably in the running for the spot as the best,
quality, prepared turtle food on the market, Rep-Cal carries with it
a long history of high quality. For years, Rep-Cal has been one of
the top choices for food supplementation for captive turtles. Their
foods come in a variety of diets, ranging from the carnivorous to
the herbivorous. The pellets also range in size, from those under
the size of a pea to those a little larger than a pea. |
ReptoMin Once the leading brand of pelleted turtle food,
ReptoMin still remains a high quality diet for aquatic turtles. It
comes in the form of a thin stick, and can be purchased in various
sized containers and also at different lengths - full-sized (about
1/4") and hatchling size (about 1/8"). Both lengths have the same
thickness. ReptoMin is often the preferred food for hatchlings as it
get soft in water and baby turtles can nibble and take small,
hatchling-sized bites out of the stick, whereas the Mazuri are more
difficult for baby turtles and it takes longer for the Mazuri to
become mushy and manageable for them. |
As with everything ZooMed produces, this is a high quality food.
Some experienced keepers and breeders vary between ZooMed's
Hatchling Food and "Baby" ReptoMin. ZooMed's turtle food are much
smaller than the Mazuri pellets and are more manageable for baby
turtles to eat. ZooMed also makes an adult diet which has the same
content as their Hatchling Food. |
Pets This is not only a quality food item, but it is
bright, colorful and smells like a fruit cereal. They offer an
aquatic diet as well as a tortoise diet. The pellets are about he
size of the Mazuri pellets but become mushy fairly quickly to allow
baby turtles to eat freely and easily. |
Wardley's Reptile Pellets Wardley's is one of the most
available turtle foods in pet stores. Sadly, it lacks a lot of the
content that the other foods on this list provide. While a decent
diet, it does require more supplementation to ensure that your
turtles are getting the vitamins and minerals that they need. These
pellets are the same size, shape and consistency as the ReptoMin
turtle food. |
In regards to
ensuring the quality of your turtle's diet, we mentioned fresh foods. Here are
some of the preferred foods to offer (in no particular order):
Romaine Lettuce |
Red Leaf Lettuce |
Green Leaf Lettuce |
Kale |
Carrots |
Cantaloupe |
Honeydew Melon |
Strawberries |
Duckweed |
Water Hyacinth |
Water Lettuce |
Anacharis |
Mealworms |
Earthworms |
Beefheart |
Bloodworms |
Crayfish |
Ghost Shrimp |
Frozen Fish |
Minnows |
Snails |
Slugs |
Wax Worms |
Mosquito Larvae |
To ensure that they are getting a
sufficient amount of calcium, there are also supplements on the market as well.
A good way of doing this is to grind or crush these up into a powder form (if
not a powder already) and sprinkle it onto the food. For aquatic feeders, this
poses a problem as the powder will wash off into the water. To get around this problem, you can take their food, moisten
it, place it into a plastic bag with this calcium supplement, and shake it
around. The calcium will stick to the moist food. Let the coated food dry. This
will help it stay together and not disperse into the water as fast once you start
Rep-Cal |
Herptivite |
Reptivite |
From Dr. Pritchard's book, Encylopedia
of Turtles, I have listed a recipe for making your own turtle food. We have
had relative success in this collage of goodies. We are hoping to have better
success substituting Trout Chow with ReptoMin. A drawback to this recipe is
that it is very oily and I would highly recommend that if you use this recipe,
you feed your turtles in a separate container other than their home.
2 oz. fish (frozen smelt or any fresh
8 oz. Boiling Water
3 oz. Trout Chow (we use
ground up into powder
2 oz. Cod Liver Oil
1 1/2 oz. Unflavored Gelatin (we use
Knox Unflavored Gelatin)
1 1/2 oz. Bone Meal
1 Teaspoon dibasic calcium phosphate
20 drops red food coloring
Using a blender, mince the fish
into very small pieces. Dissolve unflavored gelatin into boiling water, stirring
thoroughly. Add the minced fish and oil. Pour in the ground trout show along
with the bone mean and dibasic calcium phosphate. Mix well, adding 20 drops of
food coloring. Pour mix into a shallow pie tin or plastic ice cube tray and put
in freezer. Cut into small cubes or strips to feed to turtles.