- Air Temperature: Low to mid 80's
Basking Temperature: High 80's to
low 90's
Water Temperature: Low to mid 70's
Tropical Sliders are not able to handle the cooler temperatures of North
America, especially in the northern states and Canada . Because of this, it makes owning these turtles difficult.
They get large and require a large, outdoor enclosure.
The problem lies with the need to bring them inside during the cooler months. It
is not advised that sliders from the tropical region (those listed on this page)
are kept outside year-round because of the colder temps.
Sliders are good beginner turtles in the respect of their hardiness, however, planning for their adult sizes
need to be paramount as they can be difficult to maintain as adults and just as
difficult to rehome should the need arise and are therefore NOT recommended as
beginner turtles.
As in the wild, captive hatchlings
and young sliders tend toward being carnivorous, although vegetation does make
up a portion of their diet. As they grow older, meat plays less of a roll in
their diet. In captivity, they do well on
Mazuri and ReptoMin, Reptile/Pond 10, Cichlid Sticks, feeder fish,
occasional ghost shrimp, aquatic plants (such as Water Lilies, Water Hyacinth,
Duckweed, Anachris, Water Lettuce, Water Fern, Pondweed, Water starwort,
Hornwort, Water milfoil, and Frogbit), veggies (such as Zucchini, Squash,
Collard Greens, Beet Leaves, Endive, Romaine, Red Leaf Lettuce, Kale, Escarole,
Mustard Greens & Dandelions) and some fruits, crickets, meal
worms and blood worms.
Due to the large size of both male and female sliders of all
species, it is not recommended that they be kept in indoor enclosures unless
these enclosures can be in excess of 125 gallons for males and 150 gallons for
females (minimum). While smaller, they made me maintained in smaller enclosures,
but attention to size is important for water quality, health, aggression and
quality of life reasons. Adding additional sliders to a habitat requires that
you increase the size of the tank accordingly by half (ie; 1 male = 125 gallons,
2 males = 190 gallons, etc).Stock tanks also make great alternatives to glass an
acrylic aquariums.
Sliders are aggressive baskers and as such, require a basking
area where they can get completely out of the water and be able to dry off and
absorb UVB lighting and heat. Habitats can be dirt, sand, gravel, smooth rocks
or flat rocks, driftwood or anything that will support their weight and is
All species of sliders are accomplished swimmers, even as fresh
hatchlings, and require deep water.
Sliders make great community inhabitants with other species from the same
region and other sliders as well, provided that adequate space is given.
Additional males, even of other species, can be problematic in the form of
aggression even in large enclosures. Sliders have powerful jaws and can easily
kill smaller turtles turtles, so only turtles of comparable size are