- Air Temperature: High 80's to Low 90's
- Basking Temperature: High 80's
- Water Temperature: High 70's
Some keepers have kept rugosa long term
successfully in water temperatures in the range of 74 - 76 degrees.
Due to their size (not just the carapace length
but also taking into consideration their neck) these turtles can be difficult to
house, hence their being classified as an intermediate difficulty level. Not
many beginning keepers are able to keep a species that can attain this size with
the additional length of the neck. It can make for some interesting housing
challenges. Additionally, as this species are not common baskers, they can
sometimes develop shell situations which require treatment.
As with all turtles, variety is the key to
success. While it is believed that rugosa are indeed true carnivores,
they will sometimes accept leafy greens and veggies. In feeding a
carnivorous/omnivorous turtle, it is commonplace to freeze their food for
storage purposes but it should be thawed completely before offering to your
turtles. Commercial foods on the market are availabe, such as Mazuri Aquatic
Turtle Diet, AquaMax 500 and ReptoMin. Live should should be provided routinely
for feeding such as prawns and fish. Bloodworms, blackworms, earthworms, snails,
crickets and other insects are also encouraged as a part of their captive diet.
Most rugosa lose any shyness relatively
quickly and are voracious feeders. They appear to take on the "eat it now, taste
it later" concept when feeding. Their strikes are indeed snake-like and adult
rugosa especailly have a powerful bite so it is common to overfeed them due
to the entertainment value of watching them feed. I recommend feeding adults
twice per week while sub-adults get fed 3 times per week. Juveniles should only
be feed possibly every other day while fresh hatchlings should get a daily meal.
When feeding, it is important to ensure they receive a quality amount without
overstepping the boundaries and falling into overfeeding. A good rule of thumb
is to feed them enough pellets that will fit into their head or when feeding
thawed live food, you should feed sparingly.
M. rugosa are not basking creatures. They
have been known to bask, however, it's most definitely a rarity. A basking area
should be provided. Over the years, I have my rugosa with several habitats and
basking options, of which none have been seen to have basked more than once or
twice in 8+ years. Because of this, I have gone ahead and removed the basking
area and replaced it with a shallow water shelf and this has become a favorite
place for hanging out and sleeping.
These turtles require a sizeable enclosure not only because of
their size, but they are active turtles. When selecting a
habitat for this species, keep not only carapace length in mind, but
also neck length (potentially 75% of the length of the carapace). While not
recommended for indoor set-ups, adults can be housed in aquariums no smaller
than 150 to 200 gallons for a single turtle. Adding
additional turtles to a habitat requires that you increase the size of the tank
accordingly by half (ie; 1 male = 150 gallons,
2 males = 225 gallons, etc). Stock tanks also make great alternatives to glass an
acrylic aquariums. As everything on this website, these are recommendations and
not hard-set "must do" rules.
Accomplished swimmers even as fresh hatchlings,
Macrochelodina rugosa enjoy deep water habitats.
Most do extremely well with other turtles from the same
climate and are generally docile towards tankmates, although, as with any
species, there are individuals who show aggression towards other turtles even
when adequate room is provided. |