(B) - Closure of Commercial Trade in Box Turtles
No Breeder/Dealer permist after 9/1/04 for any importationa,
propagation, sale, transfer, barter, or distribution of box turtles.
Importation, propoagation, sale, transfer, barter, or distribution of
any Terrapene is phohibited after 6/30/05
15.16 - Native Wildlife Restriction
Unlawful to possess a native species, as a personal pet, except with the
following restrictions
(A) Unlawful to take or attempt to take from the wild, and possess any
native species beyond the 6 per houshold cap *Excludes alligator
snappers and ornate box turtles, which cannot be taken as pets
(B) Maximum of 6 commercially obtained, CB individuals of a native
wildlife species. CB cannot be housed with WC animals. The owner must
maintain records of ownership. If a person possesses more than 6
individuals, he must obtain a Breeder/Dealer permit.
Unlawful to import, ship, transport, or carry into the state all box
turtles of genus Terrapene (effective 6/30/05)
37.07 - Aquatic Pet Restictions
Unlawful to take or attempt to take by any method, or by hand, and
possess alive any aquatic wildlife species other than 6 per species per
household. *Alligator snappers may not be taken or possessed
Unlawful to take, attempt to take, possess, or kill any alligator
snappers or their eggs
Unlawful to import alligator snappers |