Tilford's 100 Gallon Stock Tank Indoor Enclosure
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Tilford built the 'super-structure' with materials from Home Depot. He built a frame out of 2x4 boards (seen here), added some mold for a more finished effect, & the hard part was managing to sink the tank into the top piece.

Tilford traced the stock tank's top on the piece of wood was he wanted it to fit, bought a cheap ($30) saber saw to cut the 'round' hole, bought a tarp at Home Depot & cut a piece of it to fit on the top piece (with a hole cut in the tarp to fit around the stock tank). The goal was to prevent the wood staying chronically wet.

Tilford then bought a piece of indoor/outdoor carpeting at Home Depot & cut a piece to fit on top of that. He did'nt want the hassle of building the tank's surrounding enclosure to house the filter, so he made the filter sit outside the stock tank housing.

Tilford estimated that his materials & tools bought for the project cost < $200. The stock tank was ~ $100. The filter, pup & lighting ran the cost up - filter ~ $360, overhead light fixture ~ $80, bulb ~ $60, basking fixture ~ $25, bulb for it ~ $60, crushed coral substrate was expensive at ~ $60, 300 watt heater ~ $40, & add ~ $50 for incidents to get a grand total start to finish estimated close to $1,000.

Thet setup sits in a finished basement.

Photo: Tilford.